So....the sock challenge begins today! I think the first thing I will do tonight is uncheat ... I started my sock before the challenge but after Liz wrote about it, did a few rows which I've realized are messed up. Is that karma?
I was going to help my friend, Stacey, cook for the graduation party of a young man who is very dear to us and is graduating from college tomorrow. But this morning I realized I haven't spent an evening at home with my family in a week. Even if I'm knitting, I'm with them (and can feed them). Plus, if I'm going to enjoy Mother's Day with Liz, I've got to get going on my own weekend chores....
I'm so looking forward to Mother's Day, but can hardly believe it will really happen...or more to the point...will I really be able to sit and knit and not be fussing around with food, helping Liz with all that laundry, nagging her brother to clean his room... all you Knit a Sock in a Day participants - good luck and good knitting!
I don't have *that* much laundry, and I'm gonna wait till Monday to do it.
Being able to sit still and knit is part of the challenge!
I hope your sock is coming along! Mine is at the point where I could bind it off if I really had to, but I still want it a bit longer.
And I've tagged you for 8 random things -- check out the rules on my blog. Have fun!
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